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More Red Light Cameras Coming To NYC, New Bill Expands Program

The legislation will quadruple the number of intersections equipped with red light cameras, officials said.

The bill will also renew the city’s red light camera program through December 1, 2027.
The bill will also renew the city’s red light camera program through December 1, 2027. (Shutterstock)
NEW YORK CITY — New York City drivers will notice more red light cameras on city streets after the passage of a new bill.
The legislation — passed the state Senate and Assembly — would allow the city Department of Transportation to expand the camera program from 150 intersections to 600. The bill, sponsored by State Senator Andrew Gounardes, will also renew the city’s red light camera program through December 1, 2027.
“The data speaks for itself: where we’ve installed red light cameras, red-light running and related crashes have dropped dramatically,” NYC DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez said in a statement. “This legislation will renew our red-light camera program and allow us to quadruple the number of intersections equipped with this critical safety tool, helping us fight back against the rise in red-light related tragedies we’ve seen across the city,”
CREDIT: David Luces, Patch Staff