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Mercedes driver accused of brandishing gun and striking victims in road rage

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A 63-year-old man has been accused of brandishing a gun at two people while driving and exiting his car to assault them during a road rage fit.

Port St. Lucie Police say Tuesday at approximately 4:30 PM they had responded to Southwest Briarwood Drive near St. Lucie West Centennial High School regarding a road rage incident.

PSLPD discovered through an investigation that Paul Slane drove his black Mercedes aggressively around a truck while pointing a handgun at the driver and passenger.

A 63-year-old man has been accused of brandishing a gun at two people while driving and exiting his car to assault them during a road rage fit. (PSLPD)

Slane then stopped in front of the truck on the road, got out of his vehicle with his handgun, struck the truck driver through the open window, and hit the passenger.

Deputies reported that Slane had also demanded the passenger’s cell phone as she was recording the incident.

After the altercation, Slane fled the scene but was later located by PSLPD deputies.

“This guy’s behavior is absolutely unacceptable, inexcusable and he’s gonna be facing the consequences,” said Leo Niemczyk, Asst. Port St. Lucie Police Chief.

The Assistant Police Chief says it’s not clear what caused Slane to lose his temper.

“We haven’t really been able to lock that down, what exactly set him off.But who knows, it could’ve been a bad day, his goldfish could’ve died. But whatever it was, something about our victim irritated him,” Niemczyk said.

Slane is charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, attempted armed robbery, and two counts of simple battery. Slane is currently being held at the St. Lucie County Jail with no bond.

Slane lives in Heatherwood, the same gated neighborhood where the road rage incident happened.People who live in Heatherwood say they can’t believe this happened in such a quiet community.

“In Port St. Lucie, it’s shocking, it’s kind of stunning,” said Wayne Bower, who lives on SW Briarwood Drive where the road rage incident occurred.

“Complete shock. I mean I’ve been here for a lot of years and I mean it’s a great place to live,” said Frank Ponte, another Heatherwood resident.

The victim and his wife said they had no comment and declined our request for an interview.

We went to Slane’s home, seeking comment.A woman who identified herself as a relative came to the door.”What is your reaction that he’s been charged with aggravated assault and some other things?” we asked.”Well, I don’t know because it’s so uncharacteristic of him,” she said before closing the door.

CREDIT: WPEC 12 NEWS    Sophie Pendrill, Al Pefley